Wouldn't it be interesting if President Obama held a news conference and made the announcement: "I quit!". As I have heard others say (I have said it also): "Dream on". I do not believe Obama has any intention of quitting.
Obama is "running" the Country. Obama is "running" the government. Obama is "running" the Armed Forces. Obama is "running" the monetary system. Obama is "running" the welfare (giveaway) system. Obama is "running" the tax system. Obama is "running" the Presidential debates(?). Obama is "running" and "running" and "running".......
Oh, wait a minute! I never was a great "speller". I meant to say: Obama is "ruining" the Country. Obama is "ruining" the government. Obama is "ruining" the Armed Forces. Obama is "ruining" the monetary system. Obama is "ruining" the welfare (giveaway) system. Obama is "ruining" the tax system. Obama is "ruining" the Presidential debates(?). Obama is "ruining" and "ruining" and "ruining"....... It appears that everything Obama touches is "ruined". Maybe Obama thinks he is like King Midas of Greek mythology. Supposedly everything King Midas touched turned to gold. Obama needs to face reality and realize that everything he touches brings our Country closer to "ruin".
If we want things to get back to normal(?) in this Country, we need to "run" (spelled right) Obama out of Office! Obama does need to quit.
I believe Obama has what may be called "delusions of granduer". Delusions of granduer is said to be the manifestation of a psychopathological condition in which a person has fantasies of power, wealth, and omnipotence. Even when presented with evidence contradicting their delusions, they still cling to their erroneous beliefs. Look up the definition of delusions of granduer and you may find a picture of Obama. (Just kidding about the picture, but not about the defining definition that fits Obama.)
"Running" a country is a far cry from "ruining" a country. Obama is "ruining" our Country! VOTE OBAMA OUT OF OFFICE!
Just think of the vision Obama
has for our Country: Then, there is Joe Biden!

Let me remind you that as Christians, you and I have a responsibility to pray for the safety of President Obama. We also have the responsibility to pray for him to make right decisions. Also, we need to pray for his salvation, if he is not saved (whether he is saved or not is between him and the Lord). (See Romans 13:1-7)