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"...AWAKE, THOU THAT SLEEPEST,..." Ephesians 5:14

As I write this, we are just 28 days away from the Presidential election (November 6, 2012). Who will be the next President? Will the people retain a person who by all appearances and actions is a Socialist? Or, will the people elect an individual who is more "right" than liberal?

This country was not set-up as a Socialist society. Sad to say, we are not far from becoming the Socialist society that the present President wants us to become. "What is wrong with Socialism?" If you have to ask that question, then you are a living example of someone who has a very poor knowledge of history. We are supposed to learn from mistakes. We are to learn from our own mistakes and the mistakes of others. If we do not gain knowledge from history, then we cannot learn to avoid the mistakes others have made. If we do not look back at our own history (as a nation), then we will not know what mistakes to avoid in the future.

Right now, I am concerned about "recent" history of our country. I mean recent, RECENT, history. Recent history tells me we have been going in the wrong direction. People of the United States had better wake up! We have more at stake than money. Our freedoms are at stake.

We Christians need vote in the election coming up. We often hear: "Vote for the party of your choice". Of course, we have that right as a citizen. Saying vote for the party of your choice is like saying: "go to the church of your choice" (even though that church may not preach Jesus is the only way to Heaven). We Christians need to wake up and do what is right and quit having the mindset of "I sure hope I don't hurt anybody's feelings". Men of God need to take a stand! Women of God need to take a stand! The bottom line: vote the ungodly administration of Obama out of office! Did I hurt your feelings? If I did hurt your "feelings" maybe that answers why you (if you did) voted for Obama in the first place. If you vote according to your "feelings" (party) instead of voting according to knowledge of what is right and wrong, then let me say YOU ARE WRONG!

Stand up for our Lord. Let people know how to be saved. Tell them there is Only One Way to Heaven, and the Way is my Savior Jesus Christ (Acts 4:31; Romans 10:9-10, 13; John 14:6). Stand up for Jesus! If you do not take a stand for what is right in the upcoming election on November 6, 2012, you may not be able to stand up for Jesus in the future. If you are persecuted for voting to rid this country of ungodly people like Obama, count it all joy in the Lord! The persecuted church? You haven't seen anything yet. If we continue to condone ungodliness in this country, then the Glory of the Lord WILL without question depart.  

(Vote Obama out of office. I may want Obama out of office, but I still pray for him. You should pray for Obama as well. Pray for his health and safety. He is (at present) our President. I also pray for his salvation.)

Lewis Woodard


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